ClickUp - One app to replace them all......
I'm pretty sure their marketing team is a fan of Lord of the Rings, but what that has to do with running a business I don’t know.
ClickUp is now on version 3.0. This is a mature product with a strong sense of self. If used correctly I see no reason why their stated benefit of saving a day a week cannot be achieved.
There are alternative productivity solutions, some of which we will discuss. I say it as I see it, and do not know ClickUp from Adam.
I am using ClickUp to manage this consultancy, Squaredeal and Yonderlife.
Outside of these workspaces I want to have a calendar that includes these three projects and helps coordinate my personal life.
I am a big fan of Slack and Microsoft Teams that helped immensely when managing a business through COVID lockdowns. It was a challenging time for everyone and being able to communicate at a team level was very helpful.
Although ClickUp markets itself as an APP for all apps, I see its core strength in project management. It’s just that I have always seen running a business as a collection of projects. So I find this tool to be very useful and highly cost effective.
You should use ClickUp for your senior team meetings.
- You can secure team access, create internal teams and broadcast business wide.
- You can create and distribute meeting agendas making them collaborative and interactive.
- Minutes are shared in a similar way.
- Actions from meetings are therefore collaborative and interactive.
- Relevant documents are stored and shared where the people who need them can access them with simplified access privilages.
- Progress between meetings is transparent.
- Your communication between meetings is immediate, moving goals forward and prioritising actions.
If you are determined to use emails as your primary communication tool, your business can email in ClickUp. There will be some configuration, cost and training involved but it is not rocket science.
I just struggle to understand how internal emails do not get received.
The new AI ‘Brain’ will also summarise all your content…. Now that’s well worth using! Just think about all that content you generate in your leadership or management meetings. This information just keeps on growing and updates all the time. ClickUp's AI 'Brain' makes you more efficient.
Here's another American who finds value added in this great new tool:
In fact you should use it for all leadership.
It will save money and drive turnover. However you have to use it properly. Remember the three rules of tool!
The 3 Rules of Tools:
Right tool for the right job
A bad worker always blames their tools
There is always another way to skin a cat
It does not matter if you are in retail, manufacturing, medicine or financial services, a well- deployed ClickUp implementation will save you money.
For me, I am less concerned about which solution you use, but more focused on the appetite of your team to do more with less. The AI ‘Brain’ of ClickUp is well thought through and acts as an early example of how AI is going to revolutionise business.
In this case, AI will save management and leadership time. Unlike the looms that took real people’s jobs away hundreds of years ago, I do not think that business would have allocated a resource to streamline such summaries. This is something new, that gives you more. That is a definition of added value.
Although I sympathise with and kind of respect those clog (sabot) throwing workers who purposely damaged looms to try to keep their jobs (hence the word 'sabotage'), this is something different. A business can have meetings after meetings to try and gauge a picture of reality.
Never meet for the sake of a meeting. What is the purpose of a business meeting? Where is the agenda? Who are the participants? Why are they there? How do you delegate actions and responsibilities? Who is taking notes? How are they distributed? How are they actioned? When is the next meeting to discuss action progress? So yes, it is important to see who does not attend.
For me, ClickUps AI ‘Brain’ is offering a basic of good business; value added.
I sound like a ClickUp evangelist, but there are alternatives. You can simply Google, 'clickup alternatives' but ClickUp themselves confidently publish a blog on the matter.
We could always bring back the scribes. Maybe Frodo was a scribe?